• English
  • Bahasa Indonesia

Vision, Mission and Objectives


To become an international standard bachelor program in the physical sciences and its application to technology in various sectors, especially medical and environmental.


  1. Providing quality bachelor physics education (S1) in accordance with KKNI and SN DIKTI and referring to PSI/GRADUATE PROGRAM competency standards supported by international collaborative research activities.
  2. Providing learning experiences that are able to develop an entrepreneurial spirit in increasing community resilience.
  3. Supporting the realization of the vision of the Department of Physics as a center of excellence in research and development in the medical and environmental sectors.


  1. Master the knowledge and methodology of physical science, and be able to apply it to problem solving in their work.
  2. Have a strong interest in the field of physics and its applications, and can further develop oneself through independent learning in a heterogeneous and dynamic environment.
  3. Have ethics and professional attitude, communication skills, managerial, and teamwork.
  4. Have the ability to connect physics issues from a broader perspective to truly contribute to society’s needs.